Why don't they get it ?
I mean, why don't these DD people get it ? When Sahara ONE was transmitting thes India-England Series, I always watched them, even though DD was also transmitting. Why ? Because, every other half hour, they'll get two people to replace the normal English Commentary with a Hindhi one. Problem is, the English Commentators are located on the spot, so they can easily see that a ball is heading towards a Fielder and don't get excited about it. But, these Hindhi Commentators get the same view as the viewers, and so get Overly Excited mistaking a single for a four, and vice versa.
And, on top of wasting your Adrenaline, they are actually pretty bad Commentators : When in Yesterday's match, when Irfan was given not out to a catch since it actually hit his helmet, the Commentator casually remarked that Irfan was lucky that he was caught off a No-Ball! When that catch was taken, it was English commentary, and the English Commentators had it clear that it hit the helmet. And, When this guy comes up and says he was caught off a no-ball, that's pretty stupid...
And, need I mention that a good Majority of People in India ACTUALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND HINDI ? Maybe, they don't know that many languages beside Hindi exist. Atleast, localize it, like they do for the Regional Servie. Or, use English. Heck, they won't be doing both, and use only Hindi. Bad.....
Bottom Line: Would a Linuxie like it if Linux was available only in Finnish, because that was Linus Trovald's native Language ? No. Would a Cricket Fan be happy when commentary is available only in Hindi because some braindead Moron in Government Middle-Management decided all people in India speak only Hindi ? No...
P.S. I don't mean to offend Hindi or Hindi Speaking People. I only mean to offend those DD Officials[sic].
And, on top of wasting your Adrenaline, they are actually pretty bad Commentators : When in Yesterday's match, when Irfan was given not out to a catch since it actually hit his helmet, the Commentator casually remarked that Irfan was lucky that he was caught off a No-Ball! When that catch was taken, it was English commentary, and the English Commentators had it clear that it hit the helmet. And, When this guy comes up and says he was caught off a no-ball, that's pretty stupid...
And, need I mention that a good Majority of People in India ACTUALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND HINDI ? Maybe, they don't know that many languages beside Hindi exist. Atleast, localize it, like they do for the Regional Servie. Or, use English. Heck, they won't be doing both, and use only Hindi. Bad.....
Bottom Line: Would a Linuxie like it if Linux was available only in Finnish, because that was Linus Trovald's native Language ? No. Would a Cricket Fan be happy when commentary is available only in Hindi because some braindead Moron in Government Middle-Management decided all people in India speak only Hindi ? No...
P.S. I don't mean to offend Hindi or Hindi Speaking People. I only mean to offend those DD Officials[sic].
yeah dude...this hindi commentary is prompting me to watch tv on the mute. for one thing I dont know hindi (for which I am neither ashamed nor proud) but its a pain to listen to these commentators
well, Dev, Wikipedia says That more than 1080 million people speak Chinese, while only 370 speak Hindi.
So, if majority Rules, Hindi commentary would have been out and Chinese in.
But, why does that not happen? Because, Chinese Programs are on Chinese TV, and Hindhi Programs are on Hindi TV. But, why the hell is a Hindi Program on Tamil/English TV ?
So, my point is not to drop Hindi Commentary, but to Localize it.
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