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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Of Morts, Elvises and Einsteins...

Well, I heard of programmers being classified as Morts, Elvises and Einsteins. Just wanted to say how unfair it actually was : It classified them based on Languages! That' sooo Mortish:P Since, it says a typical Managed C++ Guy is an Einsein, while a Typical VB.NET Guy is a Mort and a Typical C# Guy is an Elvis.... Well, I absolutely disagree. A VB.NET Guy can be an Einstein. And, an MC++ Guy can be a Mort as well... Let me give you an Example. Well, I came across this guy called Shahul through The Yahoo Chat Rooms. He claims to be an University Student, proves to be an MC++ Developer, and believes that Word/Excel/Access were written in VB6...:)) And the Reason ? Since, according to him, "VB was good at Integrating things". He went on to explain in Detail, how you could use the RichTextBox Control as the Editing Canvas in Word and the DataGrid as the Worksheet in Excel. Even a whole Chat Room of us can't convince him : He just doesn't listen to Reason. A Lot of Shylock:D So, he's goaana be a Mort. That suits him. He Was a VB Developer. But, he is classified as a Einstein because of his current Language... Is it fair ? Are the Old Language Wars that we thought were Banquished with .NET Back ? Well, anyway, taking into account the actual meaning of them, I'd be oscillating between Mort and Elvis. I do care If My Sort Algorithms take O(2N) or O(Log N) to execute, but I don't care if they were O(Log N) or O(2Log N). And, I do want to get the Job[If Any:D] Done quickly, if it has to be done Quickly.... Well, what Category do You Come Under ? Comment Here, or Blog about it... Thanks, and Keep the comments coming....


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11/27/2006 07:57:00 PM  
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11/27/2006 07:57:00 PM  

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