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Saturday, February 25, 2006


Well, I've started working on scrillions of projects, which eventually got too idle to progress, and are lying quitely on a Drive D[now H, due to my Recent Linux Crash] in my Harddisk, waiting for their time....

One such thing is Smilidon. It never got off the Blank-Project-With-Just-Class1.vb stage. But, however, when I got home after finishing my Public Practicals, I just didn't want to study Tamil[I didn't want to sleep:D]. So, I just revisited H:\YuviProjects, and started off with Smilidon...

Well, a bit of backgrounder about Smilidon : It was inspired by CMD[the DOS Emulation layer on Windows]/Monad/bash. So, I think you should've guessed what it is now : A Command line Interface, with the Power of bash/Monad and simplicity of CMD.exe...

Ok, enough BashingBragging. Here's the Code. It's hosted on eSnips. I've released and versions. I showed the version to Ramesh yesterday morning, and he was, sortof, Impressed by Code Quality, though I donno if it was worth it. So people, why don't you download and see if that code Quality thing is worth it ? Fancy I'd be knowing much Better in College...

And, thanks to Aswin for pointing me to eSnips : They offer 1 GB of free Storage and are still in Beta. Their Client logs me off freqently, but, I still sortof like their interface sooo much that I'm sticking with them..... There's Scheduled Downtime of some of their servers today and tomorrow, but I haven't been having any problems till now....

One more thing though : After reading quite a lot of Joel on Software articles, I just can't resist but want Source Control and Such Kinda stuff for my Code. But, problem is, since I'm using the Express editions, neither Visual SourceSafe nor the GotDotNET Source Control Systems work with it. Any Suggestions guys ?

And this time, I'd want you people to get a copy of that Code, and comment on how it is. OK ? And, Not Like Last time:D

Thanks, and Keep the comments coming....

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