Oh, read it fully guys…
Incase you didn’t know, Aswin’s the Java God around the Microsoft Student Champs. Heck, he even has a tutorial or two on Java MIDP Applications, which I gather are the equivalents of .NET CF apps. Oh, he’s a Microsoft Student Champ, and a damn good one at that. Right now, he’s all hot and bothered over Ruby on Rails[who isn’t?:P], and that goes to the extent of trying to find out about this thing called as Railsconf, which looks like a Conference for Rails People[Sorry Aswin, it’s not in India….yet!]
He was among the top 20 Finalists in the whole of India for the MSAPP sorta-cometietion, which by and itself is cool.
But, he’s a kid;) How? Lemme enumerate….
He has IE6, and that too as the First item on his QuickLaunch Bar, right before Firefox and Opera 9!
He uses a “Rotating World” as his “Working in Background” Mouse Pointer
Likes food which is mashy basy watery [tamil:kolakola]
Some time ago, All Punctuation will come in doubles or triples, or if you’re lucky, even Quadruples, but that’s changed now. Examples
here and
The Site Layout/Template hasn’t changed much in the almost-one-year since he’s started.
Last, but not least, he reads the blog of one Lame, Useless, Sick, Idiotic, Stupid, Dumb, Brainless, Hairy Kid called
Yuvi. Did I mention Dumb? I’ve seen that guy, even spoken with him, and believe me, I’m yet to meet anyone so clueless…
Lemme Come to the Point. As Mr. Nicholas says, “Pullikku Vanga”
So? What’s the Point of this Blog Post? As Raman Shankar likes to say, what’s the Big Deal? Really, nothing. Yep, nothing. I was just browsing through my Feeds in IE7, saw Aswin post this Screenshot, and having nothing much interesting to do right now, just pulled his leg a bit. And, what else would a Lame, Useless, Sick, Idiotic, Stupid, Dumb, Brainless Hairy Kid do anyway?:P
But, there’s a small Point here.
I learnt all this from his blog. And, if I’d also had his Search History….[Evil Smile]
And, if I were to combine his blog run on Blogspot[a Google Service], with his emails on GMail[another Google Service] and his IM history on Yahoo Messenger, I’d virtually know more about him than he himself!
But ofcourse, I don’t have access to these, though I know they are there. But, I know atleast two who have access
to these big repositories of Information:
The thing is, the first, Government is run by mostly people without a Brain, and the second by people who have Brains, and only Brains.
So? What was the small point I was referring to? Get People who have brains into the Government.
Forget it. Talking about politics, in India, is so pointless, that it actually swallowed up the small point I was referring to…..:P
Anyway, Have Fun, Aswin:D