Well, just wanted to make a point : Have a look at this Article, about "10 Reasons why Linux "pwns" your OS".. Well, looks like Linux's not yet ready for even the just above average user. I donno about all the other 9 points, since they need more Research, but the 10th Point just drives it home :
10. Using Linux makes you l33t. If you don't agree, then you are wrong. STFU n00b.
Cool. Insults me. Awesome, right ? Insult prospects. n00b. STFU. Hurting dude!. I mean, take for example, my Friends Abu, Krishna or Shiva. Abu is already disgusted with Linux after it screwed up his System : He had used Partition Magic to clean up unallocated hard-disk space, and tried installing SuSE. Well, it worked. Cool. Next, he heard about Ubuntu. Did the same thing. Result : Only thing running on his Computer was a Console. Yeah. Nothing else. All he got after a frighteningly blue-screened Installation was a Black and White Console. Cool. Linux for Human Beings. Mirrors
my Feelings. And, he's quite a good administrator of his Windows XP System, considering he's been with computers appreciably for just about a year... I'd certainly not call him a n00b.
Shiva and Krishna have not yet tried Linux, but after hearing of Abu's tragedy, they're quite reluctant to try it. Yeah. And, show them that article, and tell them the meaning of STFU, they're going to be soooooooooooooooo disgusted with Linux that they're never going to try it....
Yeah, and I know it's not Linux's Problem : It's the Linux
People's Problem. Superiority Complex ? Maybe... But, no not everyone is like that. I've come across quite a lot of sites that Respect the User, and the "other" Crowd as well. Monologue, the Mono blogs is the best in that Respect. I'd rather trust those guys rather than that CoolSolutions guy. And, I'd betcha you won't find anything like that kinda STFU-n00b kinda user degrading stuff in any of Microsoft/Yahoo/Google/Apple/Symantec/Intel/AMD/Transcend/Sony/Samsung/BenQ/Adobe sites or even Blogs. Yeah, and they sell. Make a Profit. Keep the User happy.
In all my Life, I've come across only one Mac System, and that too was kept huddled in a corner, inactive till I booted it up out of Curiosity. It was in our Computer Lab. And, till I booted it up, nobody has used it for, about 5 years. And, it was bought 5 years ago...
And, I'm yet to come across a Computer without Windows and with Linux. And, all the Linux systems I've seen are either Dual Boot with Windows or LiveCDs. And, those with Dual Boot are either wanked out after quite some Frustration or left there to be unused to Oblivion.
Yeah Linux Guys. You're great Coders. Good 1337 people. You've got a stable Kernel. KDE's good.
Some of the Applications
Bundled are cool. But, GNOME's bad. Quite bad. And, I've got that impression from Gnoppix and Knoppix, and I like the KDE of Knoppix better. But, it's still quite a long way from Mac OS X or Windows XP in terms of User Image and Usability. Discoverability is awful.
I know many of you won't agree with me, but these are just the stuff I percieve. I might be dead right. I might be awfully wrong. If I am wrong, just correct me : Don't say STFU n00b.
One more example : I blogged about
my Problems with IIS, and you know what ? A Guy from Microsoft actually Contacted my by Email and Blog Comment and tried their best to help me. Cool. They Respected me and they've got one more satisfied Developer.
Contrast it to this : I write a post titled
Linux Sucks, and see the response I get from the Linux Guys :
U should understand onething u should never say Linux sucks because it screwed ur system. It screwed ur system may be because u didnot install it correctly
You suck to the core man...
Cool. Awesome. Fantastic Response. So, If I can't say it sucks since It screwed up
my System, when should I say it sucks ? Maybe, when it bursts out my Monitor. Or, Sucks the Air out of my Room ? No, I say it sucks when I feel it sucks. end of story. And, what the hell guys ? I did something wrong ? Cool. I followed carefully every prompt I got inorder to make sure I don't screw up my System, and it still won. Infact, there's a Solution for this in their FAQ
here. Something like, type
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg followed by
sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm. Cool. Fantastic. Linux For Human Beings. Sudo. DPKG. XORG. gdm. Cool. Self Descriptive. I'm sure that if those guys at Canonical wanted, they could've hit this Console
Bug Out of the Park. Why they didn't do it is beyond me...
Well, so, the crux is, Linux is good, but is screwed up quite a lot by
some of those Linux guys. Wake up guys, and you could be some Serious Competietion to Windows if you get your Act together and start Respecting the User...
Well, Feel I am wrong ? Correct me in my Comments. Or, better still, write a Blog Post and leave a Trackback.
Anyway, My Public Exams start on next Monday, and I'm being heavily pounded by my Mom and Dad. Wish me Luck guys...
Thanks, and Keep the comments coming....